Welcome to the ATS constituency page

Member Count

Events Calendar

Members must be logged in to see an Agenda and the ZOOM Meeting link in the Resource Library - then click the document and click "download" which appears at the top of the Resource Library.

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Your Community

This is a private Community where the Director and constituency members can connect, collaborate, and communicate with one another in a secure online setting. The Director can post Announcements about the business of the AASUA. The online Discussion Forum provides members a place to ask questions, start a new topic, join the discussion, or share ideas.


Participate in my community

Raising awareness about precarity 

Following a March 1 constituency meeting where ATS shared how precarious work impacts their mental health and wellbeing, AASUA created a webpage to compile anonymized portions of their stories. The page, which also includes general facts about contract staff at the University of Alberta, will be shared through AASUA's social media and is part of ongoing work to raise year-round awareness about the challenges facing precarious staff, and advocate for secure and fair employment. 


View the webpage

About Academic Teaching Staff Members

As stated in the Collective Agreement

The members of the Academic Teaching Staff (ATS) constituency group are academic staff members who have been appointed under Schedule D of the collective agreement to a position with teaching and/or teaching-related responsibilities as their primary academic responsibility.

Director - ATS Laura M. SchechterSend Message

Who is my Councillor representative? 

F. W. [Rick] Brick, Councillor - ATSSend Message
Barbara L. Edmondson, Councillor - ATSSend Message
Brian R. Gold, Councillor - ATSSend Message
Myra Kandemiri, Alternate - ATSSend Message
Timothy Mills, Councillor - ATSSend Message
Beth A. Powell, Councillor - ATSSend Message
Patrick Von Hauff, Councillor - ATSSend Message
Yvonne J. Wong, Councillor - ATSSend Message