Dear colleagues, 

Our Fair Employment Week campaign is building significant momentum. We have now received coverage in the Edmonton Journal, as well as through CBC/Radio-Canada. More and more people are getting the message that we’re growing the wrong way.  

Additionally, hundreds have sent letters to President Bill Flanagan and Chair Kate Chisholm using our letter template pressuring them to take seriously the goal of ‘fair employment’ with respect to assuring secure, ongoing employment for academic staff. 

We would like to see those numbers climb even higher, but we need your help. Here again is the link to take action. Please share it widely so we can grow our campaign even more, and consider using our letter template to craft a letter of your own, if you haven’t already:

Thank you to those who have already participated by sending a letter, and to all who have shared the link to take action within their circles. 

Additionally, thank you to all who have spoken to your students about Fair Employment Week using our speaking points and slides. For those who have been unable to download the slides due to firewall issues, I am including the link to a PDF file as well. Briefly sharing these messages in your classes goes a long way towards spreading awareness about unfair employment.   

Tomorrow we will be tabling again in the Humanities Centre near the HUB Walkway again from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Please come by to say hello and pick up an AASUA Member button, and if you would like, physical materials to share with your class about the impact of precarity on students’ learning conditions.  

We’ve always known spreading the message about job insecurity at our university isn’t easy; it’s not something University Administration wants to advertise. Now that we’re building momentum, it’s even more critical that we do all we can to push our campaign to the finish line. 

We can’t do this without you. 


Gordon Swaters
AASUA President