Negotiations Status:

AASUA and the Employer have wrapped up June negotiations and are now on a mutually-agreed-to hiatus over the summer where no bargaining meetings will occur.

Updated: June 27, 2024. 


Brian Gold, AASUA Job Action Coordinator
Contact via email 

Why this round of bargaining matters

AASUA's Bargaining Principles

  1. The AASUA is committed to the University of Alberta being a world-class teaching and research institution and to working conditions and compensation for our members that are commensurate with this goal.
  2. We support fully equitable treatment of and job security for all of our members and will advocate for transparency, equity, diversity and inclusion in hiring, compensation, and terms and conditions of employment.
  3. We will hold the employer to the highest ideals of academic freedom and academic integrity including the provision of the necessary supports for the achievements of our members.
  4. We will get the best settlement we can for our members so that the University of Alberta continues to be in the top 25 percentile of the Canada U15 including retention of our current increment system.
  5. We seek the employer's support for the work of the AASUA as an effective organization protecting members’ interests as vital to the success of the university.The Association seeks gains to the provisions for the working conditions of its members that will make the agreement the standard across the country.