Bill 18 positions Alberta government as gatekeeper of federal research funding

University Affairs, Published July 10, 2024

'Gordon Swaters, president of the Association of Academic Staff at the U of A (AASUA), believes the government’s comments “betray an alarming misunderstanding of the grant awarding and selection system in Canada.”' Read the full article here

Staff, students want independent investigation into police removal of U of A protesters

CBC Edmonton, Published May 23, 2024

"'There continue to be discrepancies between senior leadership and the protesters' account of what happened on May 11,' Kristine Smitka, vice-president of the Academic Staff Association at the U of A, told reporters Wednesday."

AASUA and others push for third-party investigation on encampment removal 

The Gateway, Published May 22, 2024

Read The Gateway's coverage of how campus organizations met with U of A administration on May 22.

AASUA Vice-President speaks to Global News following meeting with President Flanagan on use of force on peaceful protestors

Global News Edmonton, Published May 15, 2024

Watch Vice-President Kristine Smitka speak to Global News about the meeting with President Flanagan from 16:05-17:23. 

Anger growing over how University of Alberta, Edmonton police dismantled pro-Palestine protest

Global News Edmonton, Published May 14, 2024

Watch Vice-President Kristine Smitka speak to Global News about AASUA's concerns regarding the forceful removal of protestors the morning of Saturday, May 11. Read the full story here

Opinion: UCP's Bill 18 politicizes post-secondary research in Alberta

The Edmonton Journal, Published April 15, 2024

Read Gordon Swaters' opinion article in the Edmonton Journal

Alberta bill requiring provincial approval of federal funding risks political meddling, academics say

CBC News, Published April 12, 2024

"The last thing we want is to have Big Brother stare over our shoulders wondering, 'Is this really sketchy work? Does this align with our own priorities?' ... That's not the function of university research," Gordon Swaters told CBC.

AASUA and U of A begin negotiations for new collective agreement

The Gateway, Published March 26, 2024

“It takes a long-time to build a world class university, which the U of A is, but that standing can be squandered in a moment by reckless budgetary decisions," Gordon Swaters told The Gateway

AASUA concerned about U of A enrolment goals, president says

The Gateway, Published October 23, 2023

Read The Gateway's coverage of AASUA's Fair Employment Week campaign. 

CBC Edmonton News

CBC Edmonton News, Published October 18, 2023

Watch CBC Edmonton's coverage of AASUA's Fair Employment Week campaign. Video starts at 10:38

De meilleures conditions de travail réclamées à l’Université de l’Alberta

CBC/Radio-Canada, Published October 18, 2023

Read CBC/Radio-Canada's coverage of AASUA's Fair Employment Week campaign and listen to Vice-President Kristine Smitka's interview here at the four-minute mark.

'We're growing the wrong way': Union calls on University of Alberta to end plan to increase enrolment

The Edmonton Journal, Published October 17, 2023

Read President Gordon Swaters' and Vice-President Kristine Smitka speak out about concerns with the university's newly-released strategic to grow enrolment without attention to job insecurity and its impact on students.

Alberta researcher and expert in Arctic climate dies while conducting field work in Nunavut

CBC News, Published August 19, 2023

Read President Gordon Swaters' words paying respect to Maya Bhatia and her important work in this CBC article.

U of A mourning death of faculty member

CTV News, Published August 19, 2023

President Gordon Swaters spoke to CTV news about Dr. Maya Bhatia's tragic passing while in the field of research.

AASUA releases statement condemning attack at UWaterloo

The Gateway, Published July 5, 2023

Read AASUA President Gordon Swaters' interview with The Gateway elaborating on the union's statement condemning the hate-motivated stabbing at the University of Waterloo.

AASUA calls for pro-active protection measures following hate-motivated UWaterloo attack

CTV News Edmonton, Published June 30, 2023

AASUA President Gordon Swaters spoke to CTV News about the importance of protecting staff and students in the face of a rising tide of hate and extremism targeting both gender studies and anti-racism courses. The story can be viewed at the video's 10-minute mark. 

U of A approves tuition hikes despite student protests

CBC, Published Mar. 24, 2023

AASUA President Gordon Swaters' statement of solidarity with student protestors is quoted in this CBC article. 

BoG approves proposed tuition increases, despite student outcries

The Gateway, Published Mar. 24, 2023

Kristine Smitka, AASUA Vice-President, is quoted while giving a speech during the Halt the Hike protest. 

Reactions to Budget 2023: 'A welcome change' for some, 'more of the same' for others

The Gateway, Published Mar. 3, 2023

Read President Gordon Swaters weighing in on Budget 2023 and its impact on research and education at the University of Alberta.

Alberta government will require annual free speech reporting in post-secondary schools

The Globe and Mail, Published Feb. 3, 2023

Watch President Gordon Swaters speak to Global News about the newly announced requirements and their impact on academic autonomy. 

U of A academic staff request reinstatement of indoor mask mandate

The Gateway, Published Nov. 23, 2022

Read President Gordon Swaters' interview with The Gateway on AASUA's call to reinstate the indoor mask mandate 

U of A staff ask administration to bring back mask mandate

CTV News Edmonton, Published Nov. 21, 2022

Read President Gordon Swaters' interview with CTV News Edmonton on AASUA's call to reinstate the indoor mask mandate, and watch the interview here at the 5:20 mark. 

U of A staff association requests return of indoor mask mandate on campus

Global News, Published Nov. 20, 2022

Watch President Gordon Swaters' interview with Global News on AASUA's call to reinstate the indoor mask mandate.

Q&A: AASUA vice-president on job security, collective agreements, and fair employment week at the U of A

The Gateway, Published Oct. 18, 2022

Read Vice President Kristine Smitka's interview with The Gateway about fair employment week

 U of A negotiations with academic staff at stalemate, strike possible

CTV News, Published Feb. 18, 2022

Read President Tim Mills' interview in CTV News about negotiations with the employer and the impact of restructuring on educators and researchers

University of Alberta, academic staff, enter formal mediation after negotiations stall

CBC News, Published Feb. 17, 2022

Read President Tim Mills’ interview in CBC News about ongoing issues in mediation

Staff associations picket in solidarity with teams negotiating U of A worker contracts

The Gateway, Published Nov. 27, 2021

Read Director Brian Fleck's interview in The Gateway about the AASUA and Non-Academic Staff Association's (NASA's) joint picket.

Frustrated by contract talks, University of Alberta hold mock labour strike 

Global News, Published Nov. 26, 2021

Watch Councillor Erin Pollock's live interview with Global News about the AASUA's mock labour strike where the AASUA sent "a message to the post-secondary institution that job action is not outside the realm of possibility."

The University of Alberta is undergoing a massive structural change - but for better or worse?

CBC News, Published Aug. 31, 2021

Read President Acuña's interview in CBC News: "Although the restructuring is purported to create less administrative work for faculty, Acuña predicts it will have the opposite effect with academics having to do more administrative work themselves."

Questions remain about U of A back-to-school plan 

CTV News, Published Aug. 18, 2021

Watch President Acuña's live interview with CTV News 

President Acuña on CHQR 770

CHQR 770, Published Aug. 17, 2021

Listen by following the link and selecting Aug. 17, 2021 in the search box. Interview is at the seven-minute mark. 

U of A says it will implement rapid COVID-19 testing for those not fully vaccinated, but won't require proof of status

Edmonton Journal, Published Aug. 17, 2021

Read President Acuña's interview in the Edmonton Journal 

Universities of Alberta, Calgary and Lethbridge update COVID-19 policies

Global News, Published Aug. 17, 2021

Watch President Acuña react to the new policies in an interview with Global News

U of A contract proposal would reduce pay retroactively, require staff to repay 'overpayments'

The Edmonton Journal, Published May 6, 2021

The Edmonton Journal reports the Employer proposes backpay  

Alberta 2030 Report will cause 'generational damage' to universities and colleges

Public Interest, Published May 4, 2021

Read President Ricardo Acuña's quote in the Public Interest Alberta article detailing the Kenney government's "dangerous affront" to academic freedom and post-secondary institutions as a whole 

U of A opens bargaining with proposal that staff pay back money already earned

The Globe and Mail, Published May 4, 2021

Read President Acuña's interview in the Globe and Mail: "We're facing an employer that's looking to roll back wages and roll back benefits and roll back [contract] language. So it's been tough."

Reactions to Alberta 2030: Student leaders, U of A Unions, NDP critic, and BoG Chair

The Gateway, Published May 1, 2021

Read President Acuña's reaction to Alberta 2030, a ten-year plan on re-vamping post-secondary education to focus more on building workforce skills for students

Commercial research and jobs focus of Alberta's 10-year post-secondary plan

CBC News Edmonton, Published Apr. 29, 2021

Read President Acuña's comments on the "undue corporate influence" embedded in the government's focus on jobs and commercial research as priorities for post-secondary institutions. Acuña was quoted on their live broadcast that evening 

Alberta wants to better link universities and colleges to the labour market

Radio-Canada, Published Apr. 29, 2021

Read President Acuña's interview 

The University of Alberta faces its biggest challenge

Radio-Canada, Published Apr. 24, 2021

Read President Acuña's interview. Former University of Alberta professor Pascal Lupien also discusses how he left the U of A for Brock University in Ontario in reaction to budget cuts by Jason Kenney's government.

Tuition is set to soar for 12 programs at the University of Alberta"

The Globe and Mail, Published Apr. 23, 2021

Read President Acuña's interview

Albert'a future needs a strong post-secondary system

Alberta Teachers Association (ATA) News, Published Apr. 6, 2021

Read President Acuña's OpEd in the latest issue of ATA News

Interview on CBC Radio's province-wide call in show

Alberta@Noon, Published Mar. 24, 2021

Listen to President Acuña's interview, where he talks about post-secondary education on a panel of other guests

U of A academic staff launch online petition against post-secondary education funding cuts

Edmonton Journal, Published Mar. 23, 2021

Read President Acuña's interview in this piece that was also published in the Calgary Herald, Edmonton Sun, and Calgary Sun. 

U of A campaign to stop budget cuts

CTV News, Published Mar. 23, 2021

Watch President Acuña's live CTV News interview about the funding cuts to the University of Alberta

Academic restructuring at the University of Alberta

CAUT Bulletin, Published March, 2021

Read the latest bulletin from the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT), of which the AASUA is a member. 

CAFA Press Release on the 2021 Alberta Budget

CAFA, Published Mar. 8, 2021

Read the Confederation of Alberta Faculty Association's (CAFA's) press release on the provincial budget. The AASUA is a member of CAFA.

University of Alberta students call for end to online exam monitoring

CBC, Published Mar. 3, 2021

Read Vice President Tim Mills' interview with CBC 

Pandemic spending derails Alberta government's plans for balanced budget

CBC News, Published Feb. 25, 2021

Read President Acuña's interview

Survey results show vast majority of the post-secondary sector does not trust the provincial government to act in the best interest of the sector

Public Interest Alberta, Published Feb. 23, 2021

Read a summary of the survey results 

U of A academic staff request reinstatement of indoor mask mandate

The Globe and Mail, Published Feb. 20, 2021

Read President Acuña's interview

University of Alberta restructures its facilities to save money

Radio-Canada, Published Dec. 11, 2020

Read President Acuña's interview 

U of A plans to cut 650 jobs by 2022 to overcome $127-million funding gap

Edmonton Journal, Published Oct. 4, 2020

Read President Acuña's interview