AASUA’s Fair Employment Week campaign was a great success, garnering local and provincial media attention. Members of the public and university community sent  hundreds of letters to Bill Flanagan and Kate Chisholm urging them to take seriously the goal of fair employment for those currently in vulnerable and precarious positions. Our social media communications — including videos, infographics, and stories members anonymously shared about their experiences with precarity — also reached hundreds of people.

As part of student outreach AASUA presented on Fair Employment Week to Students’ Council Executive, as well as the Council of Faculty Associations (COFA). Volunteer members had positive conversations with students through tabling in HUB and SUB, and connected with colleagues who stopped by to grab a button and a poster. Others volunteered to spread the message about Fair Employment Week through speaking with their classes. Thank you to all members who helped spread the word about this important campaign to end unfair employment at the U of A. Your efforts have increased awareness around the often invisible working conditions of precarious AASUA Members, and helped pave the way for positive change. 

AASUA is always looking for ways to improve the campaign in future years. If you have feedback or suggestions, please reach out